Duration: 5 days / 35 hours:
April 26th / May 04th / May 31st / June 08th / June 24th 2024
Costs: CHF 750.-
Language: German
German Level B2
In this course, participants receive a comprehensive introduction to general psychology. Areas such as perception, memory, thought processes, learning, motivation and emotion are covered. You will also deal with developmental and personality psychology as well as social and health psychology.
In learning psychology, you will deal with the psychological processes of learning and related cognitive processes. You will deal with the question of how humans or animals acquire, process and store information. The course discusses the various learning theories, the neurophysiology of learning and the complex practical implications.
As far as the psychology of creativity is concerned, you will discuss the fact that creativity is inherent to humans and an expression of inner processes and inner conscious and unconscious experience. You will learn why creativity can be spontaneous and why it can also take a shaped form.
For more information, please contact us here: admin@zoeschool.ch