Subject-specific training: Creative Dance Dance Improvisation (225hrs)

For sports instructors, dancers, primary school teachers, special education teachers, etc.

Scope: 36.5 days, 5 days, 255.5 hours
Costs: CHF 4,380.00

This further education program offers you a practical and theoretical basis for teaching creative dance and dance improvisation in a competent and inspiring way, for discovering dance improvisation in all its depth, and for accompanying your students on their journey towards developing their dance skills.
A central component is the introduction (theory, practice, self-reflection) to the Laban-Bartenieff movement system, which enables you to structure your lessons. You will learn to grasp your students’ movements on a motor and psychological level and thereby recognize their individual physical and psychological resources. On this basis, you can plan and implement targeted movement instructions that support and inspire your students.
You will experience how movement improvisation is brought to life through imagination and how it brings parts of the soul into consciousness. as the highlight and you ill undergo a profound process of creating and your on piece of dance with a final performance. In addition, we will provide you with theoretical knowledge in the basics of the psychology of creativity as well as group dynamics (according to Chace and Yalom) and the history and diversity of pedagogy, with a special focus on values, norms and human images.

List of modules and teachers

Contact for the detailed schedule:

Katharina Conradi

BA Dance/Choreography, MA Dancetherapy, CMA Certified Movement Analist, RSME/T Registered Somatic Movement Educator/Therapist (ISMETA), member NVDAT Danstherapie Nederland

Brigitte Züger

Head of School, Dance Movement Therapist, Swiss Dioloma Kunsttherapie/Dance Movement Therapy

Vanessa Alvarado

Master of Science in Psychology, CAS Diversity and
Equality Competence

Kaya Eng

Master of Arts in Mediation of Art and Design with teaching diploma, FHNW HGK, Basel, FHNW PH, Muttenz

Esther Böhlcke

Gestalt Sociotherapist, Movement Pedagogue Laura Sheleen